What We Believe

We believe that the Bible is a curated cross cultural experience that leads to YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH, JESUS THE MESSIAH.

YAHSHUA said they will know you are my disciples by your love for one another. We encourage you to love each other and to be a light to the nations by helping those in need spiritually, physically, & financially with a hand up and not a hand out.

YAHSHUA is the YHWH in the flesh that rose from the dead on the 3rd day and HE gave HIS taught ones, which means you, POWER from on HIGH to confirm the Good News you are preaching! To say you follow the teachings of YAHSHUA means you will attempt to walk as HE HIMSELF walked as HE is the goal of Torah!

We also do not deny the power of the RUACH/HOLY SPIRIT! We fully believe in what is said in places like Mark 16, that you will cast out devils, speak in new tongues, raise the dead, heal the sick, and destroy ha’satan’s kingdom and all that is in it!

Here at the Mission we also do not believe that the MOST HIGH or HIS physical manifestation as YAHSHUA have to be identified by specific names. Call HIM whatever name you decide, but do not judge others for that same right. Interestingly enough YAHSHUA/JESUS called HIM FATHER!